Senin, 15 November 2010

meet only !

Hai ! Hai !

Udah lamaa ya saya ga blogging ‎​(¬(••)¬)
Too much story no time to tell, bukan no time siiih yang iyanya saya ga tega buat nulis disini, its about my Mr. Freak, yaaaa I feel like an idiot ;p

Forget about him for a while, todaayyyyy hmm I meet my ONLY,oo GAWD ! I just can't believe it , I can't believe what I've seen!

I know he is in here :) but I don't know he wants to come to my college, I walk with candra and yudha then my eyes chatc something, HIM :)

He sit under the tree with his friends wearing the red's clothes, I loveee his curly hair, same like mine , we are totally twins !

Hmmm .. Oke, I can handle it, you are my brother now, I will never forget you unyuu bahahaha

That's all I can tell, nice to meet you :)

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