Jumat, 09 Desember 2011

time never stop

sebentar lagi dimana mana bakal banyak pohon natal dan santa klaus di mall mall dengan nuansa warna hijau merah atau salju saljuan.

lalu dilanjutkan dengan banyaknya penjual terompet dipinggir pinggir jalan, jual petasan dan selebaran serta spanduk berisi acara perayaan new year eve.

kemudian bakal ada banyak barongsai, lampion lampion, dan amplop angpao warna merah bertebaran.

yap thats life, it goes on.

but the most stupid things that i againts is...
there will be a moment when everyrthing is PINK. flowers cocholate and yes everything, omg they so in love with valentine's day.

and me? of course not.

well whats the point?
i just want all of you to thank God, because until now, we're still breathing :D!

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