Sabtu, 24 Desember 2011

would your daughter call me "mom" hun? *EAAAA*

well actually i never celebrate mother's day, i never hugh and kiss my mom at december 22th. i'm not that sweet as a kid. hehe.
but of course i love my mom..
more that anything. she is the most important thing in the whole world, now.

but you know what?
i'll love your mom too :D
maybe one day i'll write a post tittle "how i met your mother" :p
but now, its still how i met you not your mother hahahaha

hmm makin gak ngerti gue nulis apaan.

tapi anyway di 22 desember kemarin ada satu hal yang menarik, karena gue dapet ucapan..
"selamat hari ibu"

wtf? yes i mean.. how come?

i dont married yet, i dont having a kid yet, i know he doesnt mean it, that was just a stupid text that he sent, but let me tell you as a woman we always pay attention to every detail, including your words.

just admit it, do you want me to become a mom of your kid? in the beautiful future? YES I DO!


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