you know that in Islam there is an obligation to read Al Quran. I learned reading the Quran since kindergarten.it started with read Iqro' first. my arabian language is so bad. and i cant even sing when i'm "mengaji-ing" in other word "sama sekali gak merdu gitu lho"
then I was growing up and I know that reading the Quran is very important to appreciated our own God and to get a reward from it, to get Ridho Allah.
in the beginning of this year I succesfully finish reading Al Quran to juzz 30 i read it since 2011, fyi. alhamdulillah. then I think, I should not only read but also must know what the surah means because Al Quran is like a book that guide us in life? right? :")
so in the middle of January I went to the gramedia to bought a new Quran with the translation. yeay!
and surprisingly i got so many beautifull things in there.. this is what i called "ayat ayat cinta" hahaha
"maka bersabarlah untuk (melaksanakan) ketetapan Tuhanmu dan janganlah engkau ikuti orang yang berdosa dan orang yang kafir diantara mereka" - Al Insan ayat 24
"dan aku tidak pernah menjadi penyembah yang kamu sembah dan kamu tidak pernah pula menjadi penyembah yang aku sembah. untukmu agamamu dan untukku agamaku" _ Al Kafirun 3 4 5
so people please take your time to read Al Quran, if you dont have time, make it. stop trying to make everybody's happy now its time to make your God happy. O:)
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