i cant believe this is new year it seems like i skiiiiiiiiiip 2011 because time flies so fast.
I just want to thank god because until this moment, God still gives happiness to me and my family. because Alhamdulillah i and my friends still close like we used to be. because with a thousand different way i can still fall in love <3
so many blessed, sad, hurts, laugh, but its fun.. thats life, right?
so many lesson learned from 2011..
some people are too busy with making resolutions. i wasnt "there" years ago.. but now as time goes by and i'am growing up resolutions arent in the list anymore. well i do have, but i dont know its different. This is not about how I write it down on a piece of paper and say it to my friends like when i was young well i'm still young but now the resolution is better I keep to myself for a better life in a brand new year.
all i really want is to finish my study and get out soon from this collegelife.
dan selebihnya mungkin untuk tahun ini saya cuma punya satu kalimat klise dan norak "hadapilah kenyataan" karena emang selama ini saya pathetic, overthinking, overjudging, always try to play on the safe side so i dont get hurt but the fact is it hurts me much, last but not least i'm gonna stop guessing i'll let time answering.
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