Minggu, 29 Januari 2012

wake up and get real :D

good morning bloggy
its monday i'm going to go to campus for bimbingan thingy, hope i'll meet bu sri.
but errrrr kartu bimbingan yang masih polos udah di coret Bilqis waktu saya tinggal mandi.

hmm what else? i've been through several days like a "hell" no need to explain here..
allah do heals me by the way. and i feel absolutely fine :D

anyway i'm wearing leopard now bahaha so rawr waiting for Dara.

ohiyaaa thankyou for those people who always there who always understand and makes me laugh, thankyou Allah :D

"dan Tuhan lebih mengetahui apa yang mereka sembunyikan... (dalam hati mereka)" - Al Insyiqaq ayat 23 <3

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